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Visit the Brisbane Community Directory

Kelvin Grove, Queensland

Kelvin Grove image

Get Creatively Unleashed at Kelvin Grove. Kelvin Grove is no ordinary university village. Communiversity as it is known, is home to the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Creative Industries department and integrates live performance spaces, business, enterprise and research capabilities with the student culture and the energy and vibe they bring to the area. This campus is credited for launching the careers of many famous faces in fashion, dance, music, visual arts, journalism, film and television and animation, nurturing and inspiring each creative mind that comes through the door. This modern and contemporary urban environment was custom made for Brisbane's creative community with a string of cafes, restaurants and bars, colourful weekend Farmer's Markets and the purpose built theatre-in-the-round, La Boite. Kelvin Grove Urban village is considered the 'creative heart' of Brisbane.

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